Toxic Baby Formula

NEC - Necrotizing enterocolitis caused by ingestion of baby formula

When a child is born prematurely, they often need extra care and nutrition to support their developing bodies and offset their initial low birth weight. Many medical professionals will advise the parents of premature babies to give their children formula during their early life, but recent evidence has suggested that some brands of formula can cause infants to develop necrotizing enterocolitis, a potentially deadly digestive condition. To make matters worse, some of the manufacturers of baby formula, Abbott Laboratories, and Mead Johnson & Company, have failed to add this life-threatening side effect to the warning label of their product, causing more unsuspecting parents to put their children at risk.

There are many things that parents of prematurely born children have to be stressed about, but an unsafe baby formula product shouldn’t be one of them. Abbott Laboratories and Mead Johnson & Company have a responsibility to ensure the safety of their products prior to sale, especially when their products are used to help premature children. Unfortunately, they have acted negligently, and families across the nation have had to endure losing their children to a seemingly safe product.

If your child has developed health concerns as a result of their baby formula, Morgan & Morgan has the experience, knowledge, and resources to help you hold the negligent organization accountable for their actions. Contact us for a free case review

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